On Oct 28, 2024 we received the following items at MrMuffin'sTrains.
ATTN: Store pick ups will be notified when they have actually arrived at the store. Please do not stop by early as they won't be ready for you.
Shipment Received - 1 Pallets + 2 large shipments - 10/28/2024
On hold until Lionel shipment completed - 10/28/2024
In-progress - 11/5/2024
Shipment completed - 11/5/2024
All eligible orders have been invoiced - 11/5/2024
Atlas O 3007025A - Comet II Coach Passenger Car "NJ TRANSIT"
Atlas O 3007025B - Comet II Coach Passenger Car "NJ TRANSIT"
Atlas O 3007025C - Comet II Coach Passenger Car "NJ TRANSIT"
Atlas O 3007026 - Comet II Cab Car Passenger Car "NJ TRANSIT" #5152
This shipment contains restocks.