Train Repair

Note: Please bring your repairs in on Tuesday - Friday. We can accept drop offs, but are unable to work on repairs on Saturdays.

For Lionel Repair;

Please reach out to Everett E Osborn of Ozzie's Train Service.


Phone: H: 317-784-7142 / C: 317-531-1345

Address: 126 S. 10th Ave, Beach Grove, IN 46107

For Warranty, contact Lionel directly via 

We repair MTH PS2 & PS3 trains!

Our MTH repair is in house, located in Atlanta, Indiana.

Repair completion time is currently, on average, 8 to 12 weeks, or longer if there is a delay on parts arrival. We appreciate your patience, since parts can take more than a year to arrive. 

If you need your steam engine fixed, please send the tender along with it. (we won't be able to troubleshoot your engine without the tender present)

You are welcome to drop off or ship your repair to:

ATTN: Repair

28801 N STATE ROAD 19 STE 30
ATLANTA, IN 46031-9664

Please attach a paper with detail summary of what is wrong with your train. Along with name & phone #.

Prices are based off of actual work completed. Please let us know if you would like an estimate provided before work starts. Labor rate is $60 per hour, with a minimum half-hour charge for work performed. There is no charge for diagnostics.

Known Issues can be found here

To submit a repair request or receive an updated: Contact Us

Manufacturers' Warranty Links: