
[Cancelled] Lionel LionChief FTB & AA Sets from 2019

We just got word from Lionel that the following items have been cancelled:


 Lionel 1934098 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT B Diesel Locomotive "Santa Fe"

Lionel 1934108 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT B Diesel Locomotive "Great Northern"

Lionel 1934118 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT B Diesel Locomotive "New York Central"

Lionel 1934128 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT B Diesel Locomotive "Texas Special"

AA Sets:

Lionel 1934090 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT Diesel Locomotive AA Set "Santa Fe" w/ Bluetooth

Lionel 1934100 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT Diesel Locomotive AA Set "Great Northern" w/ Bluetooth

Lionel 1934110 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT Diesel Locomotive AA Set "New York Central" w/ Bluetooth

Lionel 1934120 - LionChief+ 2.0 FT Diesel Locomotive AA Set "Texas Special" w/ Bluetooth

If you have ordered for one please don't worry: we have updated your pre-order and removed it. If you paid for this items you will get a refund/credit back.