This service will allow you to request an inspection for the engines or rolling stock items that are being purchased. This service doesn't need to be applied in the same order as the product and can be purchased at a later day before the item in question is ready to ship.
What services does this provide:
- Test run your engine.
- Inspect for detail or broken parts.
- Inspect sound files.
- Swap MTH sound files; we will need to know the specific engine for the source sound file
By purchasing / applying this service to your item you agree to the following:
- Each product requires its own Inspection Service entry.
- You have paid for the product the service is being applied to.
- You understand this will incur a shipping delay for the item in question due to inspection.
You understand the item will be opened/removed from packaging for the requested service(s).
Please note that this service is free; donations are optional. No value needs to be selected to apply the service and will not change your position in the inspection queue.